Kilo Joule To Calorie – kj to calories

Calorie is a unit of energy used to measure the increase in temperature of 1gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

kilo joule

We measure energy by kilo joule, so it is a unit of energy measurement.

Kilo joules present in food

Food gives us energy to do our body’s function properly. We get this energy mainly from fat carbohydrate and protein.


We know that 1calorie =4.3kilojoule=4kj

Quantity  Nutrient calorie   kj
1gram fat 9 36
1gram carbohydrate 4 16
1gram protein 4 16

Conversion of kilo joule to calorie for common food items – kj to calories

Food  Amount kj    calorie
Rice      50 688   173  
Cheese   25 gram                                    280                                         70 
Bread  50 gram                                                  488 122
Apple juice 252ml 340 85
Sugar 20 gram                                                              240 60

Conversion of calorie to kilo joule for our daily needs ( activity based)

Kj calorie Activity
9588 2397 sedentary (man)
11192 2798 moderate (man)
15300 3825 heavy (man)
7640 1910 sedentary (woman)
8460 2115 moderate (woman)
12040 3010 heavy (woman)


Consuming kilo joule – More or less?

If we consume more kilo joule than that is our requirement, then the excess amount is stored in our adipose cell results in obesity. If we consume a very low amount of kilo joule than that is our requirement, we will lose our weight, which will lead to fatigue.

Points to be kept in mind about kilo joule

We can assess our body’s energy by the unit kilo joule. Kilo joule mainly comes from carbohydrate, fat and protein in our body and the requirement of kilo joule is not same in every people. It is varies from people to people (according to physical activities, basal metabolic rate, age, sex etc.). So to lead a healthy life we should have balanced diet. If we not do this we will suffer from obesity (after consuming