
What is calorie?

Calorie a unit of energy, used to measure the increase in temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.

General idea about daily calorie intake

Daily calorie intake is not same for all people. It varies from person to person. If we do not intake our required calorie daily then we may suffer from obesity (due to excess calorie intake) and malnourishment (due to less calorie intake).

Factors responsible for daily calorie intake

  • Age
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Physical activity
  • Sex

Average daily calorie intake

Average requirement of daily calorie consumption for men is 2750 kcal and for women is 1865kcal.

Required Daily calorie for men

Sedentary (computer use, watching TV)                           2397kcal
Moderate (Farm workers, commercial fisherman)          2798kcal
Heavy (agricultural workers, laborers)                              3825kcal

Required daily calorie for women

Sedentary 1910kcal
Moderate   2115kcal
Heavy   3010kcal

Relation between daily calorie intake and body weight

Daily calorie intake in relation to maintaining healthy body weight

In order to maintain a healthy body weight, a person should balance his /her daily calorie intake. Additionally he /she should also burn the calorie by doing physical activity.

Daily calorie intakes in relation to weight loss

To lose body weight a person should consume fewer calories than is his /her requirements. To lose 3 lb weight a week, one should reduce his/her daily calorie intake by 1000kcal.

Daily calorie intake in relation to weight gain

In order to gain body weight one should intake more calories than his/her requirements. For example,3600 kcal is equivalent to 2pound body weight. So to gain weight one should consume extra 500 kcal/day.

Relation between calorie and metabolism

When we consume food our body gets calorie. This energy burns to assist our body to function properly (RMR). Our calorie burns by the following way-

  • At the time breathing
  • During heart beats
  • During function of kidney
  • At time of digestion of food

Things you should know about daily calorie intake

Calorie gives us energy for survive. Nowadays people do not understand the value of daily calorie intake. They do not know that to have all functions properly we need energy and we get energy by consuming a balanced diet. Due to our fast paced lives people do not want to give time to have a proper diet. They have either junk food or they have not any food. By doing this they either become obese or they are become too lean. So for good health we have to consume a balanced diet so that we get our required amount of energy from that food as this energy is used to help our body function properly.