When we consume less calorie than our body’s requirements and burn energy then we lose our weight. On the other hand if we have more calorie than our body needs, then the excess calorie is deposited in the adipose tissue as fat and makes us obese. So if we know about the calorie content of any food and how to count it, we can avoid low calorie and high calorie food in order to maintain our body weight.



What is calorie?

Calorie is a unit of energy used to measure the increase in temperature of 1 gram of water by 1degree Celsius.

General idea about calorie

The word calorie is used by many people. There is no denying that people are thinking that calorie is responsible for getting them obese/overweight, which is totally wrong. People in general do not know how to count their calorie and additionally they do not check the calorie content of food before having it.

What is the reason for counting calories?

Facts for obese person

Many people cannot understand that how many calories they should consume. They do not want to check the nutrients content of food, so they end up consuming high calorie or fat food (we know calorie comes mainly from fat- 1 gram fat=9 kcal calorie) which leads to obesity.

Facts for lean person

Nowadays our society wants to lose weight, so people consume less calorie and fat food than their body needs. As a result of that they become lean and weak.

Reason for counting calories

To avoid both the above mentioned facts (obese and lean) we should know how to count calories.

How to count calorie

  • Calculate BMR-The original Harris–Benedict equation
Men BMR = 66.4730 + (13.7516 x weight in kg) + (5.0033 x height in cm) – (6.7550 x age in years)
Women BMR = 655.0955 + (9.5634 x weight in kg) + (1.8496 x height in cm) – (4.6756 x age in Years)
  • Consume food that have the right proportions of calorie
  • Include healthy food- omega 3 fatty acid (shrimp, tuna), whole wheat roti instead of bread, chicken instead of meat etc.
  • Determine physical activity in relation to calorie consumption.
Sex Physical activity Calorie
Male Sedentary 2397
  Moderate  2798
  Heavy 3825
Female Sedentary 1990
  Moderate 2115
  Heavy 3010


  • Check the nutritional facts of food before having it.
  • Measure the serving size that you consume.

Things that you should know about how to count calorie

Calorie gives us energy for survive. Nowadays people do not understand the value of daily calorie intake. They do not know that to have all function properly we need energy and we get energy by consuming a balanced diet. Due to our fast paced lives and as people do not know how to count calorie, they do not want to give time to have a proper diet. They have either junk food or they have not any food. By doing this they either become obese or they are become too lean. So for good health we have to consume a balanced diet additionally we have to know that how to count calorie value, so that we get our required amount of energy from that food as this energy is used to help our body function properly.